Are your healthcare costs continuing to rise?

Rising healthcare costs are not inevitable. They just need a new approach.

The conventional healthcare system and existing health plan designs will only continue to drive increased healthcare costs and sicker employees. There is another way.

Shifting the paradigm to focus on reversing disease rather than managing symptoms with pharmaceuticals and surgery, is the only way to counter healthcare inflation.

Learn how to truly create a culture of wellbeing using a radical wellness-first approach to all aspects of health.

Who will benefit from this course?

  • HR Leaders

    Including Benefits Directors and Wellness Leads looking for change.

  • CEOs and Entrepreneurs

    Looking to increase productivity and shift the paradigm in their own organizations.

  • Wellbeing Champions

    As background understanding to improving the health of the employees in their sphere of influence.

An action-oriented path to lower healthcare costs

Understand how we got to where we are and what to do about it.

Walk through multiple video lessons to understand the extent of the problem. Then learn the radical new approach combining a wellness-first emphasis with a new style health plan. Finally, put the theory into practice in your own organization with a detailed How-to guide. Includes links and resources as well as a free 1:1 session with Emma on completion of the course.

Course Contents

    1. What to Expect

    2. To get to know you a little before you start . . .

    1. Lesson 1: Employees are getting sicker

    2. Lesson 2: Healthcare costs are rising

    3. Lesson 3: Traditional solutions

    4. Quick Quiz: Chapter 1

    1. Lesson 1: History of the Medical Profession and Health Insurance

    2. Lesson 2: Impact of the Flexnor Report

    3. Lesson 3: A Pill for Every Ill

    4. Quick Quiz: Chapter 2

    1. Lesson 1: Wellness vs. Wellbeing

    2. Lesson 2: Best Practices in Corporate Wellness Strategy

    3. Lesson 3: Leading Edge Solutions

    4. Quick Quiz: Chapter 3

    1. Lesson 1: Behaviour change in moments that matter

    2. Lesson 2: The case for quality nutraceuticals

    3. Lesson 3: The case for functional medicine

    4. Lesson 4: Re-imagined Preventive Care

    5. Quick Quiz: Chapter 4

    1. Lesson 1: Reviewing current cost drivers

    2. Lesson 2: Is plan design incentivizing poor behavior?

    3. Lesson 3: Culture and Communications

    4. Lesson 4: The Role of Managers

    5. Lesson 5: The Need for Champions

    6. Lesson 6: Take Back Your Health Program

    7. Quick Quiz: Chapter 5

About this course

  • $395.00
  • 26 lessons

It's Time for Change

Thinking Outside the Box

Traditional approaches have not been working. Healthcare costs are rising exponentially while employees continue to get sicker.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • The problems with the current approach to corporate healthcare plans

  • Elements of a best practice corporate wellness strategy

  • How a wellness-first approach is the only way to reduce healthcare spend

  • How to get started in your own organization

Additional Features

PLUS: Students who complete the course receive a 1:1 session with Emma for feedback on how to implement in your organization.

  • Downloads

    Lesson slides are all downloadable so you can make notes as you go along. Includes templates, check-lists and useful questions to ask your advisors.

  • Interactive Quizzes

    Test your understanding after each chapter.

  • Discussion

    Participate in online discussion with other students as you work through the chapters. You can also email Emma with questions.


Reach out to Emma with any questions

Emma Tekstra

Emma Tekstra, FIA, has spent her 30-year career in employee benefits as an actuary, pension consultant and global health thought leader with experience around the globe. She has a unique perspective on health and the healthcare industry itself given her experience and independent health research.

For 25 years Emma held various leadership positions at Willis Towers Watson (WTW), a global insurance brokerage and consulting firm. She has consulted to many of the world’s largest employers on their health, pension and other HR programs around the world.

Emma’s passion is to help individuals improve their health, and understand how to navigate a healthcare industry driven by profits. Emma has contributed to various publications and spoken at conferences around the world. She now provides independent consulting to employers looking for real solutions to improve the health and wellbeing of their employees, and to health solution startup companies.

Want an introduction to the concepts discussed in the course?

Read Emma’s book first which includes an appendix to HR Managers and Corporate Sponsors

The book is not required reading for the course but is highly recommended for the additional background and scientific references it provides.


  • Who is this course for?

    Anyone involved in corporate/group benefit programs particularly health and wellbeing. From the benefits and total rewards leaders, chief people officers, and heads of HR through to business managers and wellbeing champions. CEOs and entrepreneurs will find it helpful to understand the need to shift the paradigm in their own organizations as such radical change needs to come from the top. But the course will also help generate ideas for tackling these issues in the forms of new products and approaches.

  • Is there a time limit to complete the course?

    No, you will have unlimited access to all lessons and materials for the foreseeable future. That means you can take your time going through the course at your own pace and come back and review items later.

  • Can I buy this for a friend or colleague?

    Yes, at the course check-out you just indicate that it’s a gift and the details will be sent to your recipient. If you are interested in bulk purchases please reach out to [email protected].

  • What if I have other questions?

    You can email us at any time at [email protected].