For individual study to help you get into action 

To discuss with a friend or family member as you support each other in your transformation

For a book study or small group with individual questions by chapter followed by group discussion suggestions

Put the Concepts in the Book into Action

Need some extra help to get started on your health transformation? The workbook is designed to walk you through each chapter with questions to complete making sure you fully understand how it applies to your life before moving on. Plus check-lists and exercises to kick-start your success! 

Written by Emma Tekstra

After 30 years in the global health and employee benefits arena Emma wrote How to Be a Healthy Human to empower people to take control of their health and see beyond the marketing messages of the healthcare industry. Now providing independent consulting to health solution start-up companies as well as employers seeking to improve the health of their employees, Emma is excited to share her knowledge and insight with anyone willing to consider the possibilities.

Ready to Transform Your Health?

Take the first step with this fully comprehensive guide! 
